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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 601   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 341

purpose of receiving Subscriptions to the capital stock ,


of the said bank, after giving at least four weeks' no-


tice in all the newspapers published in the said county


and city, of such times, places and purpose; that upon


the first opening of the said books, they shall be kept


open for twelve days, exclusive of Sunday, from ten


o'clock, A. M., to two, P. M. and if at the expiration


of that period, subscriptions to, the capital stock shall


not have been obtained to the amount necessary, as


hereinafter prescribed, to the incorporation of said


bank, the said commissioners, or a majority of them,


may cause the said books to be opened from time to


time, after the expiration of said twelve days, upon


again giving the notice herein before required, for the


space of two years thereafter, unless the said amount

If not subscribed,

be sooner subscribed, and if the subscription made ne-


cessary to the incorporation of said bank, shall not he


obtained before the expiration of said two years, this


act and all subscriptions under it, shall be null and


void; and if any of the said commissioners shall die,


resign or refuse to act, the duties devolved on them


being unfinished, another shall be appointed in his


stead, by the acting commissioners or a majority of



First payment

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the stock of the said


bank shall be taken in the following manners— upon


every subscription there shall be paid to the said com-


missioners, at the time of subscribing, the sum of two


dollars and fifty cents per share, and the person offer-

Plat &c statement

ing the subscription, shall also prepare and deposit;


with the commissioners, a plat accompanied by a des-


cription of the real property, situate within the limits


of the said city and county, which he designs to offer as


part of his subscription to the capital stock of said


bank, stating as accurately and minutely as practica-


ble, the size and extent of the lots, squares or parcels


of ground where it shall be city property, and the


metes and bounds, where it shall be county property;


the nature and extent of the improvements, and their


condition, whether it is fee-simple, or if upon ground rent, to state the amount thereof, and where the pro-


perty is leased, to state the amount of the annual rent,

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 601   View pdf image (33K)
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