seal; and the signatures of its president and a majority
CHAP. 341.
of its. directors, on or before the first day of July next.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That nothing in this act
Not to revive the
contained shall he construed to revive the provisions of
former 7th sec.
the seventh section of the act to which this is a supple-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the State of Ma-
Right of State to
ryland is hereby authorised to take the part of said
work within the limits of the State of Maryland, at
any time after twenty years from the passage of this
act, upon paying the original cost of said work, with
interest on the same.
An act to Incorporate the Real Estate Bank of Frederick
Passed Mar.31, 1836
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Capital stock
Maryland, That a Bank shall be established in the ci-
ty of Frederick, the capita! stock whereof shall be two
millions of dollars, composed of one million eight hun-
dred thousand dollars of real estate, situate in the city
of Frederick, or in Frederick county, and two hundred
thousand dollars, money of the United States, to be
divided into shares of one hundred dollars each.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That Thomas Sapping-
ton, Outerhridge Horsey, Edward A. Lynch, Thomas
Hammond, William McPherson, James Whitehill,
William Schley, Robert Annan, Robert E. Dorsey, Jef-
ferson Shields, Abdiel Unkefer, George Brechenbaugh,
Peter Stem, David Kemp, Benedict Boone, Daniel
Duvall, David Bowlus, Evan McKinistry, Michael
Byrne, Patrick O'Neil, and Jeremiah G. Morrison,
be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners, un-
der the direction of a majority of whom, subscriptions
may be received to the capital stock of the Real Es-
tate Bank of Frederick County, hereby incorporated,
and they, or a majority of them, shall cause books to
be opened, at such time, and at such places in the city
and county of Frederick, as they may direct, for the