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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 599   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 340

ing on its main rail road towards or from the rail

Like charges in

road which shall be made from the line of the said

Mainland and Pennsylvania

State, and connected with the said main rail road,


than shall at the same time be made or charged for the


transportation of like persons or things, in the like di-


rection, that is to say. eastwardly or westwardly, re-


spectively when passing on the whole line or length of


the rail road of the said company, so long as the charge


for transporting like persons and things towards or


from the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, along the


whole line of the rail roads constructed by authori-


ty derived from the State of Pennsylvania, on which


such persons or things may he transported, shall not


be less per mile than is at the same time charged per


mile for the transportation of like persons and things on


so much of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, as is


situated eastwardly of the aforementioned point of con-


nection with the said Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road,


then the said Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company


whenever the charge for transporting like persons


and things, towards or from the said point of connec-


tion, shall be less on the rail roads constructed by au-


thority derived from the State of Pennsylvania, may


charge for transporting persons or things, passing to


or from said connecting rail road, on that portion of


its rail road situated westwardly of said point of con-


nection, on which said transportation shall occur, such


rates of tolls and transportation per mile, on such per-


sons and things as shall enhance the aforesaid uniform


charge for transporting such persons and things, per


mile, westwardly or eastwardly, respectively, as much


as the rates shall have been reduced per mile below


said uniform rates for transporting persons and things


when proceeding to or from the Baltimore and Ohio


Rail Road, on the rail roads constructed by authority de-


rived from the State of Pennsylvania, and on which


such persons and things might pass either towards or


foom the rail road of the said Baltimore and Ohio

Certificate required

Rail Road Company; provided, that the said Bal-


timore and Ohio Rail Road Company shall certify its


issent to the stipulation and agreement aforemention-


ed, to the Governor of this State, under its corporate

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 599   View pdf image (33K)
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