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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 598   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 6. And be it enacted., That the construction,

CHAP. 340.

use, control, repair and preservation, is hereby fully

Court action au-

authorised of a rail road of the width of the Baltimore


and Ohio, and Columbia and Philadelphia rait road,


from a convenient point or points in the line of the


state of Pennsylvania, bounding on Washington county


in this State, to be connected with the Baltimore and


Ohio rail road, at or near Hagerstown or Williams-


port, or as near thereto as may be, if the rail road


last aforesaid shall be made through or near to the


said town, or between the same and the ravine of the


Potomac river; but if the Baltimore and Ohio rail

May connect wth Balt. & Ohio R. R.

road shall be constructed along the said ravine, be-


tween the south mountain and Williamsport, then to be


connected with the said rail road, cither at or near


Hagerstown or Williamsport, or between Hagerstown


and Williamsport and the north mountain, in the


ravine of the said river and like powers and privi-


leges for the construction, control, use, repair and


preservation of the rail road, and the necessary ap-


purtenances to be made and connected within this


State as aforesaid are hereby granted to the State of


Pennsylvania, or to such person or persons, or com-


pany as may be appointed by the State of Pennsylva-


nia, for the purpose of constructing the rail road to


be corrected with the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road


as aforesaid, as those which were given to the Balti-


more and Ohio rail road company, for the construction,


control, use, repair and preservation of the main track


or route of its rail road, and all necessary appurte-


nances; Provided, they shall not tap said rail road


west of Hagerstown, or the canal, west of Williams-




SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if the Baltimore and

Regulation in con-

Ohio Rail Road Company, shall agree and stipulate,

nection with B. & O. R. R.,

that the rail road which may be constructed as afore-


said from the line of the State of Pennsylvania may


he connected with its main road in the manner afore-


mentioned, and shall also agree and stipulate to extend


equal facilities, to those given generally on its main


rail road, and to make no higher or other charges per


mile, for the transportation of persons or things pass-




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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 598   View pdf image (33K)
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