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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 597   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 340.

he and they are hereby appointed and constituted com-


missioners in lieu of those named in the first section


of the act to which this is a supplement.

Parts of act repeal. ed

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all such parts of the


act to which this is a supplement as provide for or re-


quire of the said company the construction of any


work within the- limits of, or which require in any


manner the assent of the State of Pennsylvania, shall be


and they are hereby repealed.


SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the company incor-


porated by the act to which this is a supplement, shall


be known and designated by the name and style of the


Tide Water Canal Company, and shall be authorized

Portion of work

to construct in the first place, the portion of their con-


templated work between the northern boundary line of


the State, and tide water at or near the town of Ha-

Limit of time

vre de Grace, and that unless so much shall have been


executed within five years, from and after the passage


of this act, this act and the act to which it is a supple-


ment, shall be utterly void; and if the said company


shall not within seven years after the passage of this


act, complete the entire work from the Pennsylvania


line to the city of Baltimore, having completed the


portion of said canal from the said boundary to tide

Right reserved to

water, the right is hereby expressly reserved to the

State for comple-ting

State, and to any other company which may be for


that purpose incorporated to continue the said canal


and use the surplus water thereof, to feed such conti-


nuation to the city of Baltimore.

Section repealed

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the ninth section of


the act to which this is a supplement, shall be and the


same is hereby repealed.

Susquehanna Ca-

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That before this act, or

nsl Company to assent

the act to which this is a supplement, shall take effect,


the assent of the Susquehanna canal company, hereto-


fore incorporated by the act, entitled, an act for mak-


ing the river Susquehanna navigable from the line of


the State to tide water, shall in general meeting of its


stockholders, to he called for that purpose, declare


under its corporate seal its assent to the provisions of


this act.

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 597   View pdf image (33K)
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