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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 596   View pdf image (33K)
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his or their respective answers being filed, and a gene-


rat replication thereto, being entered to have separate

CHAP. 340,

commission or commissions for taking evidence in re-


lation to their respective interest in said cause, which


the court shall order and cause to he directed to com-


missioners, and to be in all respects proceeded with


according to the course of the court, in case of com-


mission for testimony; and such defendant or defend-

Entitled to final

ants shall be entitled to a final hearing in their behalf,

hearing and right of appeal

respectively and separately to every effect and with the


name right of appeal as if the said bills were filed


against then, without association with the other de-


fendants in said cause, the court taking into consider-


ation so far as they may have any legal effect, the an-


swers of such other defendants; Provided, however,


that said defendant or defendants so separately pro-


ceeding, shall pay all the costs of all parties in res-


pect to such separate commission and proceeding, as


well in the Court of Appeals as in the Court of Chan-


cery, or so much thereof, as the said courts respective-


ly shall think proper to tax against said defendant or


defendants, and reserving to the Court of Appeals ac-


cording to the event of the causes of such separate de-


fendant or defendants, the right to decree as to said


costs, or any part thereof; as may appear equitable to


said court.



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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 596   View pdf image (33K)
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