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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 595   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP 339.

be submitted in the case, should be ensured by this


-Legislature; and that each party defendant for his


separate interest should be entitled to have the cause


as promptly as possible terminated,— Therefore;

Power to make transmit

SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of


Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for said


Reynolds, or any other parties in said cause, to cause a


transcript to be make of said bills, and the answers


and of ail exhibits and proceedings heretofore filed or


had in the said case, and of all exhibits that before


transmission of the proceed in as us hereinafter men-

Register to trans-

tioned, may be filed, and the Regiser of the Court of

mit to Court of Appeals

Chancery is required to transmit the said transcript


to the Court of Appeals which court at the first term


to which said transcript shall be transmitted, shall

To pronounce o-

upon said bills, answers, exhibits andproceedings ad-


judge and pronounce its opinion upon the validity of


the acts of Assembly, in a constitutional or other point


of view, passed to give effect to the several deeds men-


tioned in said bills, so far as any of said acts shall up-


on any argument before said court be brought into


question or submitted for consideration to said court

Also on other points

touching their validity as aforesaid, and also upon any


other points that may by agreement between any of the


plaintiffs and any of the defendants, be submitted to

To be certified to

the said court for decision; and the decision and opin-


ion of the said Court of Appeals in the premises, shall


be certified to the Court of Chancery, and be binding


upon that court as to the law thereby decided.

As to costs

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all the costs of said


transcript and of the proceedings aforesaid, in the


Court cf Appeals, .shall be paid by the parties direct-


ing said transcript to be made and transmitted as


aforesaid, and who therefor shall apply to the said re-



Proceeded with in

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That during the penden-


cy of said proceedings, the cause may be proceeded


with in Chancery, in manner as if no such proceeding


had been taken.

Commissions for

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be


lawful for any defendant or defendants, or their heirs


or representatives to said original or cross bill upon

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 595   View pdf image (33K)
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