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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 594   View pdf image (33K)
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case may he, and the said president and directors, for

CHAP. 339.

the time being, shall provide for the admission of ves-


sels to pass through the said opening or draw without


unreasonabledelay orinterruption,for which no roward


shall be demanded or received, and in case of any ne-

Penalty for neglect

glect, the said president and directors may be indicted


as for a common nuisance, in the court of the county


in which the offence may be committed.




An act for the relief of John Reynolds, and other, of Washington county.

Passed April 2, 1836

WHEREAS, there is pending in the Court of Chancery, a cause wherein Christian Hager, Robert nicks and his wife, and others are plaintiffs, and Elizabeth Lawrence and said Reynolds and others, are defendants, in which a cross bill has been filed by Elizabeth Lawrence against Daniel Heister, and others; and whereas, the controversy upon said bills involves the title to large real estate in and near the town of Hagerstown, and is of deep interest to that community, not only because of the numerous parties individually concerned, but because it impedes the use and improve-ment, by keeping in doubt the title, of extensive grounds in and near that town; and whereas, the State in reference to the due limits of her Legislative power is interested in the prompt determination of the said cause, in as much as it brings into question the constitutional validity of certain acts of Assembly, relating to various deeds mentioned in the said hills, to give legal clncacy to which those acts were passed; and whereas, in consequence of the many parties, defendants in said proceedings, much delay has ensued, and a long period must elapse before in the usual course of an equity suit the case can be finally adjudged, and thus much and extensive injury will result; and whereas, the early ascertainment of the legal rights of the parties so far as they are embraced in the question adverted to, or any other points of law agreed to


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 594   View pdf image (33K)
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