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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 593   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 338.

ered by action of debt in the name of said company, in


the county court of the county wherein the offence shall


be committed, and shall also be subject to indictment


in sucli court, and upon conviction shall bo punishable


by fine or imprisonment, or both in the discretion of


the court.

T'ime of commenc-ing and complet-

SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That if the road first


mentioned in this act shall not be commenced within


five years, .and completed within ten years from the


time of such commencement, then this act to he null


and void.

Power to Virginia

SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That the assent of this

to connect with

State is hereby given to the construction, by the com-


monwealth of Virginia, or by any company which shall


be incorporated by the said State of Virginia, for the


purpose of constructing a rail way to connect with the


road hereby authorised to be made, from any point or


points on the Eastern Shore of that State, to some


convenient point on the said Eastern Shore Hail Road;


and the commonwealth aforesaid, or a company char-


tered by the said commonwealth for that purpose, shall


have and be entitled to the same rights, privileges and


immunities for the acquisition of the necessary land and


materials, and for the taking of tolls, and for the protec-


tion, control and management of their property to be ac-


quired under the provisions of this act, as have been


granted for like purposes to the aforesaid rail road


company hereby incorporated.

Acts repealed

SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That the act of Assem-


bly, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and


sixteen, entitled, an act to encourage internal improve-


ments, and all acts supplementary thereto, shall be and


the same are hereby repealed, abrogated and annulled.

In crossing rivers

SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That if in the construc-

to provide a draw

tion of either of the said rail road or roads, it shall be


found necessary to cross any one or more of the water


courses, in any one or more of the counties through


which the same may pass, it shall be the duty of the


president and directors of the said company to provide


a sufficient opening or draw in the deepest part of the


channel, so as to afford a convenient passage for ves-


sels going up or down the said water course, as the

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 593   View pdf image (33K)
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