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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 592   View pdf image (33K)
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all goods, produce, merchandise or property, other

CHAP. 338

than persons, not exceeding one cent per ton per mile


for toll, and five cents per mile for transportation of


passengers, for each passenger, and it shall not be


lawful for any other company or any person or per-


sons whatever, to travel upon or use any of the roads


of said company, without the license or permission of


the president and directors of said company, and the


said road or roads with all their works, improvements,


and profits, and all the machinery and power used up-


on said road or roads are hereby vested in the said


company, and their successors forever; as well as the


shares of the capital .stock of the said company, shall


be deemed and considered personal estate, and shall


be, exempt from the imposition of any tax or burthen




SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the said president


and directors shall annually, or semi annually, declare


and make such dividends, as they may deem proper,


of the nett profits arising from the operations of the


said company, after deducting the necessary current


and probable contingent expenses; and they shall di-


vide the same among the proprietors of the capital


stock in proportion to the shares by them respectively




SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the company afore-

May employ boats

said, shall have power to construct, purchase, hold


and employ any boats or vessels on the waters of the


Chesapeake bay, propelled by steam or otherwise, for


the transportation of persons or property to or from


their said road or roads, and charge therefor reasona-


ble compensation for freight or passage.


SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That if any person or

Penalty for injur-

persons shall wilfully, by any means whatever, injure,


impair or destroy any part of any of said roads, or any


of the works, buildings, carriages, machines, vessels,


materials or other property of the company hereby in-


corporated, such person or persons shall each of them

Fine and imprison-

forfeit and pay to the said company, for every such of-


fence, the sum of two hundred dollars over and above


the value of the property so injured and destroyed, and


the damages thereby occasioned, which may be recov-


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 592   View pdf image (33K)
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