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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 591   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 338.

make return of the inquisition so found to the clerk of


his county, and such clerk shall file the same, and lay


it before the county court at its next session, and such

Confirmed by coun

inquisition shall be confirmed by the court, unless good


cause be shewn to the contrary; and when confirmed


shall he recorded by the clerk at the expense of the


company, hut if set aside, the court shall direct another


inquisition to be taken in the manner above prescrib-


ed, and after confirmation of any inquisition and pay-


ment or tender, to the owner of the property valued, of


the sum awarded to them or their legal representatives,


the property thus valued according to the interest and

Vested in company

estate valued, shall vest in said company as fully, as


if it had been conveyed by such owner or owners, and


if the sum so awarded, be not received by the owner


when tendered, or if he, sheer they be absent, or have


no legal representative in the county, such sum of mo-


ney, but without interest or costs, may at any time

May be recovered

thereafter be demanded and recovered from the compa-


ny by the person or persons lawfully entitled to the



As to crossing oth-

SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That whenever in the

er roads

construction of said road or roads, it shall be necessa-


ry to cross any established road or way, it shall


be the duty of the president and directors of said


company so to construct their said road across such


established road, as not to impede the passage or trans-


portation of persons or property along the same, and


where it shall be necessary to pass through the land


of any individual, it shall also be their duty to provide


for such individual, proper wagon ways across such


road, from one part of his land to another.

Power to purchase

SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the, said president


and directors, or a majority of them, shall have power


to purchase with the funds of said company, for use


on their said roads, engines, machines, wagons, ve-


hicles, cars, carriages and implements, such as they


may deem necessary and convenient for transportation


and other purposes on said roads, and shall have pow-


er to charge for tolls and for the transportation of per-


sons and property of every kind on their said roads,


any sum not exceeding the following rates, viz: — on

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 591   View pdf image (33K)
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