SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That a general meeting
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of the stockholders shall he held on or before the first
Meeting of stock-
Monday of next November, and annually thereafter,
at such time and place as shall be established by the
by-laws, to which it shall be the duty of the president
and directors aforesaid, to make report of the whole
condition of the business and affairs of the said compa-
ny; and special meetings of the stockholders may be
Special meetings
called at any time by the president and directors of
said company, or by stockholders thereof, who shall
together be proprietors of not less than one-fifth part of
the whole stock of said company, first giving ten days'
public notice in one or more newspapers published in
the town of Cumberland, and in the cities of Baltimore
and Washington, of the object or objects of such meet-
ing; and in any and every meeting of the stockholders,
a quorum for the transaction of any business, other
than the election of president and directors, shall con-
sist of the owners and representatives of at least the
major part of the capital stock of said company; and
Power of such
every such meeting shall have power to pass, amend,
alter and repeal by-laws or resolutions, which shall be
binding on the president and directors, officers, agents
and servants of the company, the same not being con-
trary to law, and also shall have power to require set-
tlements, statements, and accounts relating to the bu-
siness and dealings of said company, general or parti-
cular; and may also dismiss any president, director,
officer, agent or servant at pleasure, and appoint others
in their stead.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of
Power as to con-
enabling the said company to transport the produce of
structing a railroad
the mines, and the counties through which their rail
road shall pass in the cheapest and most expeditious
manner, the said company and the president and di-
rectors thereof, shall be, and hereby are respectively
invested with all and singular the rights, powers,
privileges, authoroities, immunities and advantages,
for the surveying, locating, establishing and construct-
ing a rail road and its necessary appurtenances, be-
ginning the same at the mines of the said company and
running to a convenient point or points on the basin