CHAP. 323.
such person, and the shares of the said capital stock
shall, be assignable or transferable, and shall be con-
sidered as personal property.
President and six
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the affairs of this
Directors managers till election
company shall be managed by a president and six di-
rectors, who shall be chosen annually by the stockhol-
ders, to serve for one year, and until others shall be
elected, as shall be provided by the stockholders in the
by-laws of the said corporation; and until the first
election of directors shall be held in pursuance of the
said by-laws, the said Samuel B. Barrell, Roger C.
Weightman and Edmund Munroe, or a majority of
them, shall have full power and authority to exercise
all the corporate powers of the said company; and the
said president and directors, and their successors, or a
majority of them, shall have full power and authority
to appoint, employ and compensate, and at their plea-
sure to remove such officers, agents or servants, as they
may deem necessary in the business of the company;
also, to purchase and hold such real and personal pro-
perty, materials, vessels, carriages, machinery, imple-
ments, privileges, easements and franchises, and to
cause all such machinery, buildings or other improve-
ments to be made, as they shall deem necessary to car-
ry into effect the objects of the said company, and the
same or any part thereof, to sell, lease or otherwise
dispose of at their discretion; also; to prescribe the
mode of issuing and transfering stock in said compa-
ny, and the evidence thereof, and generally to do what-
ever they may judge expedient for the interest of said
company, the same being in conformity with the objects
of this act, and not contrary to the laws of this State,
or of the United States, nor to any by-law adopted at a
general meetiing of the stockholders of the said com-
pany; and a quorum for the transaction of business,
shall consist of the president and a majority of the di-
rectors; and in case of any vacancy occurring in the
presidency or directory of the company, the remaining
directors shall have power to fill the vacancy by ap-
pointing some stockholder to serve therein until the
next general election thereafter.