the bed of any road or roads which it may be found
CHAP. 324,
necessary to construct, and may for the purposes
aforesaid have and exercise, except as restricted by
this act, the right to make by-laws, rules and re-
gulations, and all the rights, privileges and pow-
ers necessary to the objects of this act, and to the use,
control and- disposition of the property acquired by
them, and not repugnant to any law of this State or of
the United States,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
Capital stock
said company shall consist of five thousand shares of
one hundred dollars each, of which the lands and
mines of the said Samuel B. Barrell, Roger C. Weight-
man and Edmund Munroe, shall constitute a part at
such price as may be agreed upon between them on the
one part, and those who may associate with them and
constitute the aforesaid corporation, by subscriptions
for stock payable in money; and the president and di-
Power of augmen-
rectors of the said company shall have power, from
time to time, to increase their capital stock to such an
amount as may be found convenient and necessary for
the objects of this act; Provided, the amount of capital
stock shall at no time exceed ten thousand shares or
one million of dollars.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the subscriptions to
Persons to receive
the capital stock of said company shall be received un-
der the direction of the said Samuel B. Barrell, Roger
C. Weightman and Edmund Munroe, or a majority of
them, at such times and places as they shall designate,
giving at least ten days' previous notice in one or more
newspapers printed in the town of Cumberland, and
in the cities of Baltimore and Washington, and else-
where if they deem it necessary, and each subscriber
shall pay at the time of subscription, to the commis-
First payments
siones receiving the same, the sum of twenty dollars
on each share by him, her or them subscribed; and
every person who shall so subscribe for, or become the,
owner of one or more shares of said stock, shall in
virtue of such ownership be a member of the said cor-
Number of votes
poration, and shall be entitled at all meetings of the
stockholders to one vote, in person or by proxy, for
each share of the capital stock which shall be held by