on them being unfinished, another shall be appointed
in his stead by the remaining commissioners or a ma-
CHAP. 289
jority of them.
SEC. 3. And, be it enacted. That the capital stock of
Capital stock
the said bank shall be thirty thousand shares, of one
hundred dollars each, but may be augmented at any
time within five years after the passage of this act, by
subscription in behalf of this State to an amount not
exceeding one thousand shares, or, after the expiration
of said term, to an amount not exceeding five hundred
shares, and in quantities not exceeding four hundred
shares, in any year; and that as soon as twenty thou-
sand shares of said stock shall be subscribed, the pro-
prietors of said shares, their successors and assigns,
shall be, and they are hereby created, made and declar-
ed to be a corporation and body politic, by the name
and stylo of the Commercial Bank of Baltimore, and
shall so continue until the end of the year eighteen
hundred and fifty-six, and the expiration of the first
session of the next General Assembly which shall be held
thereafter; and by that name shall bs, and are hereby
made able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and
be defended, in courts of record, or any place whatso-
ever: also, to make, have and use a common seal, and
the same to break, alter and renew at their pleasure;
and to ordain, establish and put in execution, such by-
laws, ordinances and regulations, as shall seem neces-
sary and convenient for the government of the said cor-
poration, the same not being contrary to law, or the
provisions of this act, and generally, to do and execute
all and singular such acts, matters and things as a cor-
poration or body politic may and can lawfully execute,
and when the State shall become a stockholder to the
Right of State to
amount of fifty thousand dollars, she shall be entitled
Appoint directors
to appoint two directors, and when the State shall be
a stockholder to the amount of one hundred thousand
dollars, she shall be entitled to appoint three di-
ectors; and the election of said directors shall be
annually made by joint ballot of both Houses, either
during the session of the General Assembly, at which