CHAP. 289.
such investment shall be made; or at the first session
after the State shall so have became a stockholder
to the respective limits as aforesaid.
Reduction of sub
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if a greater number
of shares shall be subscribed to the capital stock of said
hank than is authorised by this act, the commissioners
above named, or a majority of them, shall reduce the
subscription in such manner as they shall deem equi-
But not of the
table, but without reducing any subscription which
may have been made thereto by the Treasurer of the
Western Shore of Maryland, as trustee, or on behalf
of this State; and provided, that if the subscriptions
made in cither of the counties of this State, by resi-
dents thereof for their own account, shall not exceed
fifty thousand dollars, and in either of the cities afore-
said, other than the city of Baltimore, by residents of
the State in which said cities are respectively situate,
for their own account, shall not exceed two hundred
thousand dollars, there shall be no reduction of such
subscription, and in case any subscriber shall have
paid a greater sum of money at the time of subscribing
than at the rate often dollars per share, on the shares
to him appropriated, the commissioners shall only re-
tain the sum required as the first payment on these
To return surplus
shares, and forth with return the surplus on application
for the same to the persons lawfully entitled thereto;
and upon every subscription there shall be paid at the
$10 fit time of sub-
time of subscribing to the said commissioners, or to
their agents, appointed to receive such subscriptions,
the sum of ten dollars per share, and the said commis-
sioners shall deposite the money by them or their agents
received from the subscribers, to the capital stock of
said bank, in some place of safe keeping, and deliver
the same to the president and directors of said bank,
or to their order, as soon as shall be required after the
Allowance to com-
organization of the bank; and the said commissioners
shall be allowed all reasonable charges and expenses
incurred in the execution of their trust, to be paid by
the president and directors of said bank out of the
Your instalments
funds thereof; and every subscriber shall pay on each
share of his stock four instalments of ten dollars each,