become the property, and at its actual cash value shall
CHAP. 287.
be deemed part of the capital of. the Western Bank of
Appropriation of
Baltimore, hereby incorporated, or intended so to he;
and for the sum of said value, as nearly as may be, shares
of stock in the said bank shall vest in and be allotted
to the proprietors of the said society, severally and
rateably, according to their respective interests in its
estate; and the president and directors of said bank
shall distribute rateably amongst and pay to the said
proprietors, the excess of said estate, over the par va-
lue of the shares which shall have been allotted as
aforesaid: and so soon as the resolution and statement
aforementioned shall have been filed as is herein before
provided, the rights of action of the said society shall
become and be, without any interruption, diminution or
enlargement, the rights of the said hank; and the charter
Charter changed
of the, said society shall thereupon cease to be in force,
and be considered as having been surrendered, and
thereby made utterly null and void.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the persons who
shall be the proprietors of the shares of the capital
stock, that shall be allotted as is hereinbefore provi-
ded, and all and every other person or persons who
shall hold any of the capital stock, by this S act
authorised to be created, their successors and assigns,
shall be and they are hereby made and declared to be a
corporation and body politic, by the name and style of
the Western Bank of Baltimore, and shall so continue
Till 1835
until the end of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-
six, and the expiration of the first session of the Gene-
ral Assembly which shall be held thereafter, and by
that name, shall be and are hereby made able and capa-
Corporate powers
ble in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in
courts of record, or in any other place whatsoever;
also to make, have and use a common seal, and the
same to break, alter and renew at their pleasure; and
to ordain, establish and put in execution such by-laws,
ordinances and regulations, as shall seem necessary
and convenient for the government of the said corpora-
tion, the same not being contrary to law, or the pro-
visions of this act; and generally to do and execute all