company, of the amount of the debt thereby certified to
CHAP. 286
be clue by the said company, and such certificates shall
be sigued by the President and countersigned by the
Secretary or Treasurer of said company, and shall con-
tain a precise statement of the amount due thereon,
with the dates at which interest is payable, and if in
If false, void
any case any certificate shall be granted for more than
is actually due to the holder, such certificate shall be
absolutely void, and if issued with the knowledge of
the holder that less is due to him than the certificate
calls for, the whole debt due to said holder of such
fraudulent certificate shall be utterly and absolutely
void, and no interest shall be paid thereon, and a regu-
lar entry shall be kept in a book to be provided for
that purpose by the said company of the amount of the
claim of each creditor, the date of his certificate, the
time when interest is payable to him and the amount
of interest due and in arrear to each.
SEC. 3. And whereas the navigation of said canal
has been obstructed by reason of a controversy between
the said company, and John Randel, Junior, a credit-
or of the said company, by judgment rendered in the
Supreme Court of the State of Delaware, on the ver-
dict of a jury, for work done and damage, incurred by
said Randel, as a contractor in the cutting and con-
structing said canal; and whereas, as well the said canal
company as the other creditors thereof, hare petition-
ed this legislature, that the said controversy may be
terminated by granting to said John Randel, Junior, a
certificate of loan, with ample security for his debt: —
Now therefore, Be it enacted, That it shall and may be
To fund the debt
lawful for said company to fund the debt due to said
Randel as aforesaid, as well as the debts of other cre-
ditors of said company before mentioned, by issuing
certificates of debt, with interest payable semi-annual-
ly, to the said Randel or his assigns, as he shall direct,
and by issuing a certificate or certificates of debt to
Paul Beck, Junior, John Sergeant and Gerard Ral-
ston, as trustees, and to the survivors and survivor of
them, or to such trustee or trustees as the said Randel
or his assignees may select, in the event of the death
or refusal to serve of said trustees, to such amount, and