CHAP. 285.
Jones, junior, Nathaniel F. "Williams, William C.
Shaw, James Frazier, Benjamin I. Cohen, Robert A.
Taylor, Thomas WM ridge, William G. Harrison,
James J. Corner, John H. Hodges, George H. New-
man. Albert Schumaker and William Hooper, he and
they are hereby constituted and appointed Directors of
said company with all the usual power of Directors,
for one year from the organization of said company,
which organization shall take place as soon as one
hundred thousand dollars shall have been subscribed,
and the said directors, or a majority of them shall, as
soon as convenient, meet and choose from the stock-
holders a President, who shall be ex-officio a Director
of said company, and after the expiration of said term
the affairs of said company shall be transacted by
thirteen Directors, residents of the city of Baltimore,
and being at the time bona fide owners, each of at least
By ballot
ten shares of the stock of said company, and not being
Directors of any other marine insurance company, who
shall be chosen by ballot on the last Wednesday pro-
ceeding the expiration of the said first named year, by
plurality of votes of the stockholders present in per-
son or by proxy, each stockholder having as many
votes as he may hold shares, and so continually from
Serve one year
year to year thereafter, and the Directors so chosen
shall serve for one year next ensuing their election re-
spectively, and until others shall be chosen and no
longer, and at their first meeting after each election
the Directors shall choose a President, being a stock-
holder and a resident of said city, and should it at any
Day of choice
time happen that an election of Directors should not
be made upon the day, when pursuant to this act it
ought to have been made, the said corporation shall
not for that cause be deemed to be dissolved, but it
shall be lawful upon any other day, within ten days
thereafter, to make an election of Directors in such
manner as is hereinbefore directed, and in case of the
death, resignation or disqualification of the President
or of a Director, the place so becoming vacant may
for the remainder of the year be filled up by the board
of Directors for the time being, and in case of sickness
or necessary absence of the President his place may be