SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the above named
CHAP. 285.
thirteen persons shall be commissioners, any three of
Commissioners to
whom shall be capable of acting in all matters set forth
open books
in this section, whose duty it shall be, at such times and
places as they may select, to open books for subscrip-
tion to the stock of said company, after giving at least
two weeks notice in all the daily newspapers in the city
of Baltimore of such times and places, which books
shall be kept open during the space of three days, from
the hour of nine o'clock in the morning till two o'clock
in the afternoon of each day, and should all the stock
not be subscribed for within said period, the said com-
missioners shall from time to time re-open said hooks,
after having given the same notice in the newspapers
as aforesaid, until said stock shall have been wholly
subscribed for, and should the stock subscribed be
larger in amount than said sum of three hundred thou-
sand dollars, it shall be apportioned among the sub-
scribers, by said commissioners, in such manner that
all may rateably and respectively obtain his due and
equitable portion, as far as it may be in the power of
said commissioners to adjust the same, and when the
sum of one hundred thousand dollars shall have been
subscribed and the company fully organised, it shall
and may he lawful for said company to proceed to act
in all things according to this charter, and privilege is
Increase stock
hereby given to said company after the said three hun-
dred thousand dollars are fully subscribed for, to in-
crease its capital to five hundred thousand dollars by
new subscription, preference being to the then stock-
holders, and in regard to the shares of the said in-
creased stock, the proceedings of the then President
and Directors of said company shall be in conformity
to those prescribed by this act to the said commis-
sioners, and the sum paid at the time of subscription
to said increased stock, and the instalments as to the
residue, shall be the same as are heretofore prescribed
in respect to said original stock.
SEC. 4, And be it enacted, That for the well order-
ing and transacting the business of said company, the
aforesaid thirteen commissioners, to wit: — Samuel