supplied by a Director, whom the board of Directors
CHAP. 285.
may for that purpose appoint, and before the Directors
at their first meeting after each election, as above
mentioned, choose a President, they shall fix the annu-
al salary of the said President and such clerk or as-
sistant under him as the said company may authorise.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the president and
Power to insure
directors of said corporation, shall have full power and
authority to make insurances on vessels, merchandize,
freights and all other personal property, or interest in
or touching personal property at sea, or going to sea,
or going or gone by land or water, or subject to, de-
pendant on, or connected with the risks of conveyance
by sea, or land or water, and to lend money on bot-
tomry and respondentia, and generally to transact all
business, enter into all contracts, and take all security
for and relative to the object aforesaid; Provided, how-
ever, that the said corporation shall not insure on any
vessel or bottom, or on any one risk more than twenty
thousand dollars, and the said president and directors
shall have full power and authority to ordain and esta-
blish all by-laws, ordinances and regulations, for go-
verning and regulating the concerns, and effecting the
purposes and objects of said corporation, not being
contrary to this act, or the constitution and laws of
this State, or of the United States.
SEC. 6. And be if enacted, That the president and
Vest surplus
directors shall have full power and authority to vest
the capital and surplus funds of the company from time
to time, in mortgages upon real estate within the city
of Baltimore, and in such public funds or bank stock
as they shall deem most advantageous for the interest
of the stockholders; Provided, that nothing In this act
No banking priv-
shall he so construed as to confer upon said corpora-
tion any banking privilege, nor the right to issue any
note in the nature of a bank note.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
Application of
directors shall from time to time apply all sums re-
ceived by them for premiums and interest or dividends
on their investments, to the payment of losses and
charges in the first instance, and to make up the
amount of their original capital, when it shall sustain