CHAP. 272.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said agent or
College and pay
collector So appointed, shall collect from the butchers,
the amount of fines so incurred, and pay the same over
to the city register, quarterly
Pay For inspection
SEC. 3. A?id be it enacted. That the amount of in-
spection on all hides and skins that are damaged, shall
be paid by the owner, seller or butcher of the same, to
the agent or collector, and the amount of inspection of
all hides and skins free from damage, shall be paid by
the tanner or purchaser, and that it be the duty of the
inspector to make his account out monthly to the col-
Passed Mar.28,1836
An act to change the name of John Brewer, of Washing-
ton County, to John Thomson Brewer.
Name changed
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the name of John Brewer, of Washington coun-
ty, be and the same is hereby changed to that of John
Thomson Brewer.
Passed Mar- 30.1830
An act for the relief of Edward C. Council, of the City
of Baltimore.
Benfit of act
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Insolvent Debtors, for the
city of Baltimore, be, and they are hereby authorised
and empowered to grant to Edward C. Council, of the
city of Baltimore, the benefit of the several acts of As-
sembly, passed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors;
Provided, the said Edward C. Council shall in all res-
pects, except that of proving residence, comply with
the requisitions of said acts of Assembly, and that he
satisfy the said commissioners that he did not come in-
to this State with the view of obtaining the benefit of
said insolvent laws.