county, situate on Herring Bay, from which lot they
CHAP. 270.
have at great expence extended a wharf, which it is
important should be kept up; and -whereas, said per-
sons are desirous of being secured in the enjoyment of
said wharf, and maintaining the same in repair, and
so improving it at their discretion that it may accom-
modate the steamboat Patuxent and other vessels under
their direction frequenting the said waters: — There-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Authorised to hold
That said Weems, Watchman and Bratt, and Har-
wood, and their heirs and assigns, be and they are
hereby authorised and declared to be entitled to hold.
and keep up and use for mooring thereat, vessels own-
ed by them or under their contract as aforesaid, and
in other ways; and to improve with any building or
buildings or otherwise the said wharf, as they are or
may be entitled to have, use and enjoy the said lot of
ground; and that they may at any time or times here-
after extend said wharf further into the- s#id waters,
and to widen the same within the limits of. said lot, so
however, that the navigation of said waters be not by
such extending or widening Impeded or injured.
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act regulating the
Passed Mar 25,1836
Inspection of Green Hides and Skins, in the City of
Baltimore, passed December session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-one, chapter two hundred and forty -five.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of,
Estimate of dama-
Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the inspectors
of green hides and skins, in the city of Baltimore, to
keep a regular minute of the damage of each and every
hide and skin slaughtered by the several butchers of
the city of Baltimore, and so report the same monthly
to an agent or collector to be appointed by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, to whom he shall give
bond with security.