SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
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To report
duty of the said Commissioners or a majority of them,
to report their proceedings and the amount of money
contracted by them, to be paid to the person or persons
for the aforesaid lot or lots of ground, and materials
for building and completing said wharves, and the
amount agreed to he paid to the person or persons wh\o
may he employed to build or complete said wharves,
also the cost of' the ferry boat and rope to be used upon
said ferry, to the Levy court of Worcester county.
Court to levy
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That the Levy court of
Worcester county, are hereby authorised and required
to levy upon the assessable property of said county,
the amount returned to them by the commissioners afore-
said, according to the fourth section of this act.
Sell to lowest bid-
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the Levy court of
Worcester county, be, and they fire hereby directed to
offer the contract to the lowest bidder, at public auc-
tion, at the court house door, in the town of Snowhill,
in said county, for keeping said ferry annually, and
allow the person or persons keeping the same, such
compensation as the said ferry may be bid off at.
Passed Mar.30, 1836
An act for the benefit of Violettee Boston, Anthony Bos-
ton, Mary Boston, Susan Boston, Daniel Boston,
Jane Boston, Bally Boston and Eliza, Boston.
WHEREAS, Peter Boston, a free man of color late
of Anne Arundel county, purchased of Willam O'
Hara, as administrator of Samuel Knighton, a colour-
ed woman named Maria and her children, Violcttee,
Anthony and Mary, being his wife and children, and
the said woman Maria after the said purchase had the
following children, viz: Susan, Daniel, Jane, Sally
and Eliza, also the children of the said Peter Boston,
and has since departed this life, and whereas the said
Peter Boston, died in the month of January last with-
out manumitting his children aforesaid, as it was his
intention so to do: — Therefore,