SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
CHAP. 267.
Maryland, That the aforesaid Violettee Boston, An-
Made true
thony Boston, Sally Boston. Daniel Boston, Jane
Boston, Sally Boston awl Eliza Boston, be, and they
are hereby declared free, capable of having and hold-
ing property real and personal, and made heirs of
each other, as if they had been manumitted by Peter
Boston aforesaid, their father during his lifetime, and
the aforesaid Violettee Boston, Anthony Boston, Ma-
ry Boston, Susan Boston, Daniel Boston, Jane Bos-
ton, Sally Boston and Eliza Boston, are declared heirs
of Peter Boston aforesaid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the clerk of Anne
Certificates of free-
Arundel county court, be and he is hereby authorised
and required to deliver to Violettee Boston, Anthony
Boston, Mary Boston, Susan Boston, Daniel Boston,
Jane Boston, Sally Boston and Eliza Boston, certifi-
cates of their freedom on their demanding the same,
and paying the fees allowed by law.
A supplement to the act passed at December session,
Passed Mar. 28, 1836
eighteen hundred and thirty-three, chapter two hun-
dred and seven, entitled, an act for building a bridge
over M'Intosh river in Saint Mary's county.
WHEREAS, by an act of Assembly passed at Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, chapter
two hundred and seven, the levy court of Saint Mary's
county were authorised to levy upon the assessable
property of said county, a sum of money not exceed-
ing one hundred dollars, for the purpose of building a
bridge over the M'Intosh river in said county; and
whereas, the said sum of one hundred dollars is found
to be inadequate to the erecting said bridge:— There-
Se it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Two commission-
That the levy court of Saint Mary's county he and
they are hereby authorised and required to appoint two
commissioners, residents of said county, whose duty