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rivers, together with one moiety of the bridge over
Big Patuxent; and in like manner to surrender and
relinquish to Montgomery county, the privilege or
right of the said company, to make the said Turnpike
road through Montgomery county to the line of the
district of Columbia, together with the other moiety
or half part of said bridge over the Big Patuxent
To be filed
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the surrender in
writing made as aforesaid shall be filed with the
clerk of the county court of the county, to which the
surrender shall be made, and shall be recorded by him
Copy to be evidence
in the land accords of said county a certified copy of
which writing under the seal of said court shall be
evidence, and the said road and bridges so as afore-
Public highway
said surrendered shall be deemed and considered a
public highway and shall thereafter be kept in repair
in the same manner as other public roads and bridges
are in said counties.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for the preserva-
tion of the said bridge over Big Patuxent, it shall and
may be lawful for the county commissioners of Anne
Arundel county, and the Levy Court of Montgomery
county before their next county levy or so soon there-
after as they shall think proper, to appoint a commis-
sioner for their respective counties, whose duty it shall
be, jointly to contract for and superintend the building
of a roof on the bridge over Big Patuxent river, and
draw on each of said counties, for one half the amount
of such expense; and the county commissioners and
levy court aforesaid are hereby directed and required
to levy on the assessable property of their respective
counties the amount of property chargeable to such coun-
ty and the same to pay over to the order of said com-