effectually in the courts where the same be depending,
CHAP. 257.
as if this act had not been made.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the county of Car-
County court
roll shall he a part of the third judicial district of this
State, and the justices of the said district for the time
being shall be the judges of the county court of Car-
roll county, and the Haiti county court shall he held as
may be directed, by law, and shall have and exercise
the same powers and jurisdiction, both at law and in
equity as other county courts of this State.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the ejection dis-
Election districts
tricts in Carroll county, shall he nine in number, and
their limits as well as the limits of the election districts
in Baltimore and Frederick counties, shall be estab-
lished after the confirmation of this act as shall be di-
rected by law.
SEE. 7. And be it enacted, That after the confirma-
First election of
tion of this act, by the next Genera! Assembly, a writ
of election shall issue for holding an election in said
county for four delegates, to represent said county in
the General Assembly, which shall then be in session.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be
Confirmation re-
confirmed by the General Assembly, after the next
election of delegates at the first session after such new
election, according to the constitution and form of
government, that in such case this alteration and
amendment of the constitution and form of government
shall constitute and be valid as part thereof, and every
thing therein contained, repugnant to or inconsistent
with this act, be repealed and abolished.
An act to incorporate the Trustees of the Rockville
Passed Mar. 29,1836
Female Seminary, in Montgomery County.
WHEREAS, sundry inhabitants of Montgomery coun-
ty have hy their petition set forth to the General As-
sembly that they are about to acquire a lot of ground
in Rockville in said county, and intend erecting there-
on suitable buildings for a Female Seminary of learn-