CHAP. 256
where Rock Creek crosses said line, thence with the
course of said creek until it merges in the Monocacy
river, thence with the Monocacy, to the point where
Double Pipe Creek, empties into Monocacy, thence
with the course of Pipe Creek to the point of junction
of Little Pipe Creek and Big Pipe Creek, thence
with the course of Little Pipe Creek, to the point
where Sam's Creek empties into Little Pipe Creek,
thence with Sara's Creek to Warfield's Mill, thence
with the road called the Buffaloe Road, and to a
point called Par's Spring, thence with the Western
Branch of the Patapsco Falls to the point of its junc-
tion with the Northern Branch of the, Patapsco Falls,
thence with the Northern Branch of said Falls to the
bridge erected over said falls on the Turnpike Road,
leading from Rcisterto'wn to Westminster, thence with
a straight course to the Pennsylvania line, running
North seventeen degrees East, thence with the Penn-
sylvania line to the place of beginning, shall be erected
into a new county, by the name of Carroll county, and
that the Seat of Justice thereof be established at West-
Priviliges confer-red
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the inhabitants of
Carroll county, shall have, hold, and enjoy all the im-
munities, rights, and privileges enjoyed by the inhabi-
Tax previous to
tants of any other county in this Slate.
SEC. 3. And be it' enacted, That the taxes which
shall be levied by the commissioners of Baltimore
county, prior to the confirmation of this act, oa such
parts of Baltimore county as are to constitute a part of
Carroll county, shall be collected and paid to the
Treasurer of Baltimore county, and the same be ap-
plied precisely, as if this act had not passed; and that
the taxes which shall be levied by the justices of the
levy court, of Frederick county, prior to the confirma-
tion of this act, on the parts of Frederick county, as
are to constitute Carroll county, shall be applied pre
cisely as if this act had not passed.
Causes pending
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all causes, process,
and pleadings which shall be depending in Frederick
county court, and Baltimore county court, when this
act shall be confirmed, shall and may be prosecuted as