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ing and have prayed for an act of incorporation for the
regulation of said seminary and it appearing reasona-
ble that the prayer of said petitioners ought to be
granted : — Therefor,
Trustees named
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Robert Wallace, Henry Harding,
Alexander Kilgour, Zachariah F. Johnson, Moses
Luginbeall, Samuel C. Veirs and Arnold T. Windsor,
he, and they are hereby appointed trustees of said
Seminary, to act as such until the first Monday of
July eighteen hundred and thirty six, and the said
trustees and their successors to he elected in the manner
herein after mentioned shall be and they are hereby
erected, established and declared to he one community
corporation and body politic with perpetual succession
in deed and law to all intents and purposes connected
with the said institution by the name and style of the
Corporate powers granted
trustees of the Rockville Female Seminary, by which
name and style they, the said trustees, and their succes-
sors shall be competent and capable in law and equity
to take and to hold to themselves and their successors
for the use of the said Seminary any estate in land and
tenements, goods, chatties or effects, by the gift, grant,
bargain, sale, conveyance, devise or bequest of any
Estate limited
person or persons whatsoever, provided the same do
not exceed in the whole the clear yearly value of three
thousand dollars, and the same lands and tenements
and other estate, real or personal, to grant, bargain,
sell, demise and to farm let and be put out on interest,
or otherwise to dispose of for the use of said semina-
ry in such manner as to them or a majority of them,
shall seem most beneficial to the institution, and to
receive the rents, issues, profits, income and interest
of and to employ the emoluments to the proper use and
advancement of the said seminary.
Legal capacity
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said trustees
and their successors, by the name and style aforesaid,
shall be capable in law or equity, to sue and be sued,
plead and be impleaded, in any court or courts, and
before any judge, justice or justices within this State
and elsewhere, in all manner of suits, complaints, pleas,
causes, matters and demands of whatsoever kind, na-