berland; and that the right to take or unite a canal or ca-
CHAP. 256
nals, or slack water navigation, from or to any part
of the aforesaid canal or slack water navigation, in
any direction, is hereby reserved to the State of Ma-
ryland, and to any company or companies, which may
be hereafter incorporated for that purpose to the said
State; Provided, that in taking or uniting such canal
or canals or slack water navigation, and in using the
waters of the canal or slack water navigation aforesaid,
or of the various streams connected therewith, no im-
pediment or injury shall be done to the navigation of
the canal or slack water navigation aforesaid.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That all such parts of
Rights to modify, &c. reserved
this act, as relate to the establishment, working or
carrying on of mills, mines or manufactories, and all
the powers, rights and privileges granted to said com-
pany by the twelfth section of this act, may be modifi-ed or repealed by the legislature of this State, at any
time after thirty years from the passage of this act.
An act for the division of Baltimore and Frederick Coun-
Passed Mar.25,1836
ties, and for erecting a new one by the name of Car-
rail, and to alter and change the Constitution of this
State, so far as may be necessary to effect the same.
WHEREAS, a considerable body of the inhabitants
of Baltimore and Frederick counties, by their petition
to this General Assembly, have prayed that an act may
be passed for a division of said counties, and for erect-
ing a new one out of parts thereof; and whereas, it ap-
pears to this General Assembly, that the erecting of a
new county out of such parts of Baltimore and Frede-
rick counties, will conduce greatly to the ease and con-
venience of the people thereof: — Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Lines of the coun-
Maryland, That after the confirmation of this act, such
parts of the aforesaid counties of Baltimore and Fre-
derick, as are contained within the bounds and limits
following, to wit: beginning at the Pennsylvania line,