company; and that every director of the company, its
CHAP. 255.
treasurer, and such other officers as may be required
Oath required
to take the same by the by-laws of said company, shall
take an oath or affirmation, as the case may be, that
they will honestly and faithfully perform the duties of
their respective offices.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the president and directors of said company shall be, and they are here-
Empowered in re-lation to cana
by invested with all the rights and powers necessary
for the construction, repair and carrying on of a canal,
not exceeding in dimensions the Chesapeake and Ohio
canal at Cumberland, or of a slack water navigation
in the river Potomac, by lock and dam, beginning the
said canal or lock and dam navigation, in connection
with the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, at or near Cum-
berland, and continuing the same in, along or near to
the Potomac river, to the mouth of the Savage river,
in Allegany county, and thence in, along or near to
the said river, George's creek and the Potomac river,
to such point or points thereon, as they may deem it
expedient to terminate the same at, and also to con-
To a rail way
struct such railway or railways, to connect their mines
and manufactories with said canal or slack water na-
vigation, or the Baltimore and Ohio rail road, as they
may deem necessary or expedient for the successful
working of said mines, and of the mills and manufac-
tories aforesaid; awl that, for that purpose, the said
president and directors shall have power to make, con-
struct, establish and keep in repair, all and any such
work 'or works as they may find necessary or useful for
constructing, keeping in repair, or carrying on said ca-
nal or lock and dam navigation and rail ways, with
their proper appurtenances, and may also employ all
such agents, and make all such contracts and purcha-
ses, and take and hold all such gifts and grants of
property, or of any interest in the same as may be found
necessary for the purposes aforesaid.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
Procuring the
directors of said company may agree with the owner
land and materials therefor
or owners of any land, or of any interest in the same,
or of any earth, ,timber, gravel or stone which may be
wanted for the construction or repair of said canal or