CHAP. 255.
lock and dam navigation and railways or their appur-
Proceedings direc-
tenances; and if they cannot agree, or if such owner or
owners be a feme covert, unknown, non compos mentis,
under age, or out of the State or county, then on appli-
cation by said president and directors, or their agents,
to any justice of the peace of the county, in which said
lands, timber, stone, earth and gravel lie, the said jus-
tice shall issue his warrant under his hand and seal, to
the sheriff of the county, to summon a jury of eighteen
inhabitants of said county, not related to the parties,
nor interested in the property to be valued, to meet on
ar near to the property to be valued, at a day named in
the warrant, not less than ten nor more than twenty
days after the issuing of the same; and the sheriff shall
on its receipt summon said jury accordingly, and when
the jury meets, if twelve or more attend, shall qualify
all attending as jurors, by administering to them be-
fore they act as such, an oath or affirmation, as the case
may be, that they will justly and impartially value the
damages which such owner or owners will sustain by
the taking of the property required by the company;
and if at least twelve do not attend, the sheriff shall
immediately summon as many more as' may be neces-
sary to make up that number, and shall then qualify
the jury in the same manner; and the said jury are here-
by instructed in estimating said damages, to consider
the benefit which will accrue or has accrued to such
owner or owners, from the construction of said canal
or lock dam navigation or railway, for which it is
wanted, and to make the proper allowance for such
benefit in their verdict, and the inquisition thereupon
taken, shall be signed by the sheriff and at least twelve
of the "jury, and returned by said sheriff to the office
of the clerk of the county court, and unless good cause
be shewn against it, it shall be affirmed by the county
court at the term after it is returned, and shall then be
recorded by said clerk amongst the land records of said
county, but if any such inquisition be set aside, the said
court may at its discretion, as often as it may be neces-
sary direct another to be taken and returned, which
shall be confirmed as aforesaid; and every such in-
quisition as to land, shall ascertain the bounds of