CHAP. 255.
such tines and places as they shall designate, they
giving at least ten days previous notice in one or more
newspapers printed in the cities of Baltimore and
Washington, and elsewhere if they deem it necessary;
Payment thereon
and each subscriber shall pay at the time of subscrip-
tion to the commissioners receiving the same the sum of
ten dollars on each share by him or them subscribed.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the management of
the business and concerns of said company shall be
vested in nine directors who shall be stockholders and
citizens of the United States, any five of whom shall
First election
be a quorum for the transaction of its business; that
the first board of said Directors shall be elected by
the subscribers under the superintendance of the com-
missioners aforesaid at such time and place as they
may designate they giving at least twenty days pre-
vious notice thereof, in at least oye newspaper printed
Annual elections
in each of the cities of Baltimore and Washington, that the subsequent elections of Directors shall be
made annually therealter and after a like previous notice at a general meeting of the stockholders to be
convened for that purpose at such time and place as
may be fixed by the by-laws of said company; that if
any election of Directors should not be made on the
day when it ought to be made, such election may be
made after like notice at any time within six months
thereafter, and the President and Directors for the
time being shall hold and exercise their respective of-
fices until a new election is made; and that in all elec-
tions and on all questions touching the business or con-
cerns of said company each share shall be entitled to
one vote.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That every board of Di-
rectors of said company shall at their first meeting af-
ter their election or as soon thereafter as is practica-
ble, appoint one of their own body to be President of
said company, and shall in the same manner appoint a
Tresurer, &c.
Treasurer and such other officers and agents as they
may deem necessary for managing the affairs of said
company, who shall hold their offices at the pleasure
of the President and Directors, and shall give such
security as may be prescribed by the by-laws of said