shall have power to obtain, by purchase or gift, to hold
CHAP. 255.
and lease or sell all such property as they may require
for the purpose aforesaid; Provided, that the said com-
Real estate limited
pany shall at no time-hold or possess in this State, for
its said mines and manufactories, more than thirty
thousand acres of land; and shall not purchase more
than ten thousand acres of said land subsequent to the
organization of said company, and that by said name
the said company shall have succession, and may sue
and be sued, and may hare a common seal which they
may alter at pleasure, and may have and exercise for
the purposes aforesaid, under the restrictions herein
mentioned, the powers usually incident to corpora-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
Capital stock
of said company shall consist of ten thousand shares
of one hundred dollars each, of which the lands and
mines of the said Duff Green and his associates may
constitute a part, at a price to be made known by the
commissioners authorised to receive Subscriptions to
the capital Stock of said company, at or before the
times of subscription; and which price or value. shall be
Valuations of lands, &c,
estimated and fixed by disinterested persons; one of
whom shall he appointed by the Governor and Council,
one by the above named proprietors, and the third by
these two, and who, or a majority of them shall esti-
mate and fix, on oath, the value of said lands and mines
and make return thereof in writing to the said com-
missioners before they shall receive any subscriptions
to the said capital stock; and the President and Direc-
May increase the capital
tors of said company shall have power from time to
time to increase the capital stock to such amount
as may be found necessary for the accomplishment of
the objects of this incorporation; Provided, that the
same does not exceed thirty thousand shares.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the subscriptions to
the capital stock of said company shall be received
under the directions of Duff Green, James Lyons,
Bevcrly R. Welford, William M. Green, Richard K.
Cralle, Archibald M. Green and Robert Hord, or a
majority of them, who shall act us commissioners at