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purchased several tracts of land, at or near the mouth
of Savage river, in Allegany county, containing exten-
sive and valuable mines of coal, iron and other mine-
rals; and that the interests of this State will be promo-
ted, and the trade of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal,
and Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, in which the State
has so large a pecuniary interest will he greatly in-
creased by the working of said mines, and by the con-
struction of a canal, or of a slack water navigation by
lock and dam, with appropriate railways, connecting
said mines, and the extensive and valuable mineral re-
gion in which they are situate with the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal, and the Baltimore, and Ohio Rail
Road : — Therefore,
Persons incorpora-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Duff Green, James Lyon, Reverdy
R. Welford, William M. Green, Richard K. Cralle,
Archibald M. Green and Robert Hard, and all and
every person or persons who may become subfci'ibers
in the manner hereinafter prescribed, shall be and they
are hereby incorporated by the name of the Union
Objects defined
Company, for the purposes of making, constructing,
keeping in repair and carrying on a canal or a slack-
water navigation, by lock and dam from the basin of
the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, at or near Cumber-
land, in, along or near the Potomac river, to the mouth
of the Savage river, in Allegany county, and thence
up said river, and the Potomac river and George's
creek, to such point or points on said rivers and
George's creek as they may deem it expedient to termi-
nate the same at, and of connecting the same, or the
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road with their mines and
manufactures, by such Railway or Railways, as they
Powers conferred
may deem necessary for that purpose; and also for
erecting, constructing and carrying on mills and
manufactories of iron and other articles, of which iron
is a component part, and for opening, working and
transporting to market the produce of their mines,
lands, mills and manufactories; and for the purchase,
transportation and sale of goods, chattels and effects;
and that for said purposes, they shall be a body politic
and corporate, by the name aforesaid, and as such