in, from which an average shall be made of the cul-
CHAP. 253.
lings in each bundle, and the number of good and cul-
lings as per average marked on each bundle in red
chalk figures, and as compensation for the same, the
inspector shall receive ten cents per thousand.
Penalty for oblit-erating
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons shall be convicted of obliterating or wantonly
destroying such mark, or of mixing after inspection
other shingles with a fraudulent intent, he, she, or
they shall be fined a sum, not exceeding fifty dollars
for each and every offence, to be recovered by indict-
ment in Baltimore city court, and collected as other
fines are collected in this State, one half for the use of
the informer and the other for the use of the State.
Inspection of flouring plank
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all quartered boards
or planks, of pitch or yellow pine, of one inrh or one
inch and a quarter in thickness, or all such as is manu-
factured for flooring shall be marked and designated,
by the inspectors aforesaid, into three qualities, as
follows, the first quality to be free from sap, knots,
windshakes or other defects, and also to he at least one
inch and a quarter in thickness, and shall be marked
with its contents in board measure, the second quality
to be sound boards, not having more than four knots of
not more than an inch in diameter, in any one board or
plank, and all sap boards that are not mildewed, shall
be marked with two straight marks near the mark of
quantity, to designate its quality; and all other boards,
which the inspector shall determine not to be suffici-
ently free from defects, to pass as second quality, shall
be marked as cullings.