with the thirtieth day after the said bank shall have
CHAP. 252
gone into operation.
SEC. 17V And be it enacted, That this act and the
Limitation, &c.
act to which this is a supplement, shall continue in
force until the first day of January, eighteen hundred
and fifty-eight, and until the end of the nextsession of
the General Assembly thereafter. And that so much
of this act as confers rail road privileges shall be per-
petual: Provided, that the construction of the rail road,
hereby authorised to be made, shall be commenced
within one year from and after the passage of this act,
and shall be completed within one year after the com-
pletion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, to Cumber-
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the bank hereby
Bank distinct from
incorporated shall, after its organization as herein-
mining company
before provided, be and remain during the continuance
of the charter, a distinct and independent corporation,
and in no way connected as such with the Maryland
Mining Company, or any other incorporated company.
and that the President and officers of said bank shall
reside in Allegany county.
A further supplement to an act to regulate the inspec-
Passed Mar.28, 1836
tion of Lumber in the city of Baltimore.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Shall count W.
Maryland, That from and after the first of October
pine shingles
next, it shall be the duty of the inspectors of lumber,
in the city of Baltimore, to inspect and count all white
pine shingles of two feet and upwards in length, that
may be brought to said city for sale, as cedar and cy-
press shingles now are inspected of the same length.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
Inspection of
of the several inspectors aforesaid, to inspect, count
cypress shingles
and mark all bundled cypress or juniper shingles, that
may be brought to the city of Baltimore for sale, in
the. following manner, to wit: an average bundle in
every five thousand shingles shall be opened and in-
spected, and the number of cullings ascertained there-