like manner, as if they were so issued by such private
CHAP. 251.
person or persons, that is to say: those which shall be
payable to any person or persons, his, her or their or-
der, shall be assignable by endorsement in like man-
ner, and with the like effect, as foreign bills of ex-
change now are, and those which are payable to bear-
er, shall be negotiable or assignable by delivery only.
ARTICLE 17. That the shares of the capital stock of
the said bank, shall be transferable on the books of the
said bank only, according to such rules as shall be es-
tablished by the president and directors; but all debts
actually due and payable to the bank, by a stockhold-
er requesting a transfer, must be satisfied before such a
transfer shall be made, unless the president and direc-
tors shall direct to the contrary.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That if at any time the
Case of neglecting
said bank shall neglect or refuse to pay in gold and
to pay obliga-tions
silver, any of its notes, bills, obligations, or any mo-
ney received on deposite, in violation of the contract,
promise, or undertaking of said bank; the person or
persons entitled to demand and receive such payment,
shall respectively receive and recover interest on said
bills, notes, obligations and deposites, until the same
shall be fully paid and satisfied, at the rate of twelve
per centum per annum, from the time of such demand;
Provided, and so far as the assets of said bank shall be
sufficient to pay, over and above the sum of its debt
and common interest thereon, the said extra rate of
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That if the said Bank
Case of neglecting
shall neglect or refuse to pay as aforesaid, any of its
to pay deposites
notes, bills, obligations, or money received on depo-
site, the holder of such note, bill or obligation, or the
person or persons entitled to demand and receive such
money, shall be respectively entitled only to demand
and receive as creditor, or as debtor, to claim and set
off, such part of the sum of its assets, as shall be ac-
tually distributable and payable to such creditor or
debtor at the time when such claim or demand may be
made; Provided, the concerns of said bank shall be or
become, before any such demand is made or set off at-
tempted, in process of being wound up for equitable