tion of the president and directors of said bank, in a
CHAP. 251.
sum not less than twenty thousand dollars, with a con-
dition for his good behaviour; and so in the discretion
cf the board, from any subordinate officer employed in
said bank.
Notice of elections
ARTICLE 13. The notice which shall be given of
every general election shall be not less than thirty
days in the newspapers as aforesaid.
Real estate restric-
ARTICLE 14. The lands, tenements and heredita-
ments, which it shall be lawful for the said corporation
to hold, shall be only such as shall be requisite for its
immediate accommodation, in relation to the conveni-
ent transacting of its business, and such as shall have
been bona fide mortgaged or conveyed to it, by way of
security, or in satisfaction of debts contracted in the
course of its dealings, or purchased at sales upon judg-
ments, which shall have been obtained for such debts;
and all such lands, tenements and herediments, so ta-
ken in satisfaction of debts, or purchased at sales upon
judgments, shall be re-sold and conveyed by the said
president and directors within the term of five years
from the taking or purchase thereof as aforesaid.
Transactions restricted
ARTICLE 15. That the corporation shall not deal or
trade in any thing except bills of exchange, promisso-
ry notes and bullion, or in the sale of goods, which
shall be the produce of their lands, or of such goods
and effects, as shall have been bona fide pledged or
mortgaged to it, by way of security, or conveyed to it
in satisfaction of debts, contracted in the course of its
dealings, or purchased at sales upon judgments, which
shall have been obtained for such debts.
Notes obligatory —
ARTICLE 16. That all bills or notes, which may be
assignable, &c.
issued by order of the said corporation, signed by the
president, and countersigned by the principal cashier
or treasurer thereof, promising the payment of money,
to any person or persons, his, her or their order, or
bearer, though not under the seal of the said corpora-
tion, shall be binding and obligatory upon the same, in
the like manner, and with the like force and effect, as
upon any private person or persons, if issued by him or
them, in his, her or their private or natural capacity or
capacities, and shall be assignable and negotiable in