ARTICLE 9. Half yearly dividends shall be made to
CHAP. 251.
the stockholders of so much of the net profits of the
Bank as shall appear to the President and Directors
advisable, and such dividends shall be declared in the
months of June and December, and be paid in the
months of July and January; and if the Directors
Liability in case of
shall at any time wilfully and knowingly, make or
declare any dividend which shall impair the capital
stock, all the directors present at the making or de-
claring of such dividend, and consenting thereto, shall
be liable in their individual capacities to the corpora-
tion, for the amount or proportion of the said capital
stock so divided by the Directors, and each director,
who shall he present at the making or declaring of
such dividend shall be deemed to have consented there-
to, unless he shall immediately enter his dissent, in
writing, on the minutes of the proceedings of the
hoard, and give public notice to the stockholders that
such dividend has been declared.
ARTICLE 10. No Director shall be entitled to re-
Compensation to
ceive any emolument for his services, unless the same
P, and directors
shall have been allowed at a general meeting of the
stockholders; and the Directors shall make such com-
pensation to the President, for his extraordinary at-
tendance at the Bank, as shall appear to them reason-
ARTICLE 11. The company above named, until said
General meetings
bank shall be organized, or thereafter, the president
and directors of said bank, may at any time call a ge-
neral meeting of the stockholders for any purpose re-
lative to the institution, giving thirty days notice in
the newspapers heretofore mentioned; and if at any
time stockholders owning one-birth of the stork re-
quest a call as above to bo made, and the same shall be
refused or neglected, they shall have power, on giving
the same notice, to make such call, and any ten stock-
holders may require a full list of al! the stockholders
to be exhibited to them.
ARTICLE 12. Every cashier or treasurer, before he
Bonds required
enters upon the duties of his office, shall be required to
give bond, with two or more sureties, to the satisfac-