stockholders, dividends of so much of the profits real-
CHAP. 246
ized by the company as they shall deem expedient; af-
ter reserving such sum as they shall decide to be rea-
sonable to meet the expenses of repairs, or the purchase
of any articles necessary for the use of said company:
and semi-annually, and also at the paying each divi-
dend of profits, a general statement of the affairs of
the company shall be prepared by the directors, and
kept open for the inspection of stockholders, for the
space often days after the same shall have been pre-
sented to them.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpo-
ration, be, and the same is hereby made perpetual;
Provided, nevertheless, that the legislature hereby re-
Right, reserved
serves to itself the power of altering, amending, or re-
pealing any of its provisions at any time after the ex-
piration of the year eighteen hundred and fifty -six.
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, an act to
Passed Mar.28,1836
incorporate the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Com-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Time extended for
That the time allowed by the act, to which this is a
completing read
supplement, for the completion of the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road, be and the same is hereby extended for
the time of five years beyond the period in the said act
An act to incorporate the Baltimore and Peach Bottom
Passed Mar. 22,1836
Rail Road Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William Nelson, Mahlon H. West,
Isaac Rogers, James Montgomery, Frederick T. Amos,
John Spear Smith, James Howard, George Winches-
ter, James McConkey, Thomas B. Coleman, John T.