CHAP. 244.
Directors, in such manner as shall have been regida-
-ted by the by-laws and ordinances of said corporation,
and in case of death, resignation or disqualification of
a Director, the place of such Director for the remain-
der of the year, shall be filled up by the board of
Directors for the time being.
Power of director
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors for the time being, or a majority of them,
shall have power to appoint all such officers, clerks,
agents, mechanics, engineers, laborers and servants,
as they may deem necessary to conduct or execute the
business of said corporation, and fix their compensa-
tion, and in their discretion to dismiss them, to take
honds for the corporation from all and any of the per-
sons by them so appointed, with security, conditioned
in such form as they shall approve, for the faithful ex-
ecution of the duties of such persons, and to secure the
waid corporation from loss, to contract, agree for, and
purchase, rent or hire all such vessels, lands, chattels,
materials, rights, privileges and effects whatever, and
to make or repair all such wharves, boats, vessels, car-
riages and other conveniences as may be necessary for
effecting the objects of said corporation, to prescribe
the form of certificates to be issued to stockholders,
and to regulate the mode of transferring their capital
stock; to apply the funds of said corporation, so far as
may be necessary to effect the objects aforesaid, and in
payment of the necessary expenses of the company; to
call general meetings of the stockholders; and gene-
rally to pass such by-laws as may be necessary for the
exercise of the aforesaid powers, or the powers vested
in the said corporation, and the same by-laws from
time to time to alter and repeal; Provided, that all such
by-laws may be altered or repealed by a majority of
the stockholders assembled at any general meeting,
called in pursuance of any by-laws made for that pur-
pose, and a majority of the stockholders may pass by-
laws which shall be binding upon the directors; Provi-
ded, that such by-laws shall not be contrary to any law
of the United States or of this State.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and di-
rectors shall from time to time declare, and pay to the