time and places in Baltimore or elsewhere as they may
direct, for the purpose of receiving such subscriptions,
CHAP. 244.
and may keep the same open until the whole number of
shares shall have been taken or subscribed for, and
when two thousand shares shall have been subscribed
Qualiflcation to
for, it shall be lawful for said company to proceed and
act in all things according to this charter.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any subscriber
Case of neglecting
or his assignee shall refuse or neglect to pay the in-
to pay instalment
stalments beforementioned or any part thereof, for the
space of thirty days next after the same shall become
due and payable, the stock on which the same, is de-
manded shall be forfeited to the said company, but the
original subscriber shall and may he held liable for the
full amount due on such stock.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the persons named
First Directors
in the first section of this art, shall be Directors of
said corporation, and shall have full power to act as
such, for the term of twelve months from the organiza-
tion of said company, which organization shall take
place as soon as two thousand shares shall have been
subscribed for as aforesaid, and immediately on the
Annual electins
expiration of said twelve months, on such day as the
said Directors shall name, the stockholders of said
company shall choose by ballot seven members of said
corporation, to be directors, to manage the affairs there-
of for twelve months, and until successors shall be,
chosen; and on the same day in each succeeding year
shall the like election be made; and in all general meet-
Votes rated
ings of said company, and elections of Directors,
every stockholder shall be entitled to give in person
or by proxy, one, vote for each share of the capital
stock standing in his or her name on the books of said
corporation; and at their first meeting after such elec-
tion, said Directors shall choose a President, and
Case of omission
should it at any time happen that an election of Direc-
tors shall not be made upon the day when pursuant to
this act it ought to have been made, the said corpora-
tion shall not for that reason be deemed to be dissolv-
ed, but it shall be lawful on any other day, within ten
days thereafter, to hold and to make, an election of