with the assent of four or more of the devisees and le-
gal representatives of the, said John Eager Howard,
CHAP. 242.
to be evidence by their signing, sealing and acknowl-
edging the deed, to grant and convey by a good and
sufficient deed to the said Geogre W. Musgrave, his
heirs and assigns, all that lot or parcel of ground situ-
ate on the East side of Eutaw street, in the city of
Baltimore, which is described in the deed of trust
above referred to, and that upon the execution and
acknowledgment in manner aforesaid of the deed here-
by authorised to be made, and upon tlic delivery there-
of, the said George W. Musgrave, his heirs, and as-
signs, shall hold the said lot or parcel of ground, free,
clear and discharged from all estate and interest, right,
title, use, trust, claim, and demand of the said Adam
Welsh, and his heirs, and of the heirs of the other trus-
tees named in the aforesaid deed of the eleventh day of
June, one thousand eight hundred and seven, and oi
the devisees and legal representatives of the said John
Eager Howard, deceased, or of any of them, therein
or thereto.
An act for the relief of Edward A. Crummer, of the
Passed Mar.15,1836
city of Baltimore.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of insolvent debtors, for the
city and county of Baltimore, be and they are hereby
authorised and empowered to grant to Edward A.
Crummer, of the city of Baltimore, the benefit of the
several acts of assembly, passed for the relief of insol-
vent debtors; Provided, the said Edward A. Crummer
shall in all respects, except that of proving residence,
comply with the requisitions of said act of assembly,
and that he satisfy the commissioners that he did
not come into this State, with the view of obtaining the
benefit of the insolvent laws; and provided, that the
said Edward A. Crummer shall be com pelled to file his
petition for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this