CHAP. 243.
Passed Mar 22,1836
An act to incorporate the subscribers to an association for
the encouragement of the fine arts, and for other
Persons incorpora-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William Lorman, Hugh Birchbead,
John Hoffman, George Williams, Jonathan Meredith,
Benjamin J. Cohen, Charles Tiernan, Nathaniel Wil-
liams, George C. Morton, Joseph White, John Glenn,
Josias Pennington, John P. Kennedy, William G.
Harrison, Gustar W. Lurman, Gorham Brooks, Robert
A. Taylor, Columbus O'Donnell, John B. Howell,
William Crawford, David McKim, their associates,
successors and assigns, he and they are hereby creat-
ed a corporation and body politic, by the name and
style of the Baltimore association for the encourage-
Powers granted
ment of literature and the fine arts, and by that name
may have perpetual succession, and shall be able and
capable in law, to sue and be sued, implead and be im-
pleaded, answer and be answered, in any court of law
or equity; and to make and use a common seal, and the
same to change and alter at pleasure; and to ordain
and establish such ordinances, by-laws, and regula-
tions, as shall be necessary or convenient for conduct-
ing the affairs of the corporation, and not repugnant
to law.
Objects stated
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the objects of the
said corporation are declared to be the encouragement
of literature and of the fine arts, and the holding and
fitting up of accommodations for the exhibition of pro-
ceedings of the arts, and for amusements, for which pur-
pose they are hereby authorised to purchase and hold
lands and tenements, in fee simple or otherwise, not
exceeding in value at one time, one hundred thousand
Capital slock, &c.
dollars: The capital of said corporation may amount
to one hundred thousand dollars, and the shares there-
in shall be one hundred dollars each; but the payment
of ten thousand dollars shall entitle it to go into opera-