CHAP. 241
ent capital of the said company, then actually paid in-
and the like sum, on so much as the said capital
may be increased by virtue of this act, to be applied
by the said Treasurer, in augmentation of the free
school fund, and distributed in the same manner as the
similar tax on incorporated Banks in the city of Bal-
timore is now distributed, and in case of the failure of
the said company, or of the president and trustees
thereof, to make such payment for the space of six
months after the same shall have become due or paya-
ble, this charter shall be forfeited, and be deemed null
and void.
Ratification required
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall have
no effect unless it be accepted by stockholders holding
a majority of the shares of the stock at a general meet-
ing of the stockholders to be called upon thirty days
notice thereof, published at least twice a week in all
the daily newspapers of the city of Baltimore, in which
notice the object of such meeting shall be stated, as
being the question of the acceptance of this act.
Passed Mar.12,1836
An act to authorise the conveyance of the ground therein
Authority to the New Market fire Co. to convey,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That in order to carry into effect a contract heretofore
entered into by the New Market Fire Company, with
the Reverend George W. Musgrave, of the city of
Baltimore, Adam Welsh the surviving trustee named in
a deed from John Eager Howard, late of Baltimore
county, deceased, to George Grundy and others, da-
ted the eleventh day of June, one thousand eight hun-
dred and seven, and recorded among the land records
of Baltimore county aforesaid, in Liber W. G. No.
95, folio 711, &c. and the New Market fire Com-
pany, incorporated by an act of the General Assembly,
passed at November session, one thousand eight h un-
dred and seven, chapter one hundred and thirty -three,
be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered