or court, be removed upon the application of a majority
CHAP. 240
of stockholders to the Chancellor or to Baltimore coun-
ty court, sitting as a court of Equity; and that any
president or trustee be subject also to be removed, in
the case and in the manner provided for in respect to
trustees, in the fourth section of the act, supplementa-
ry to the act to which this is a supplement, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and , thirty four,
chapter two hundred and sixty-nine; and the powers
vested in the Chancellor, by section seven, of the act
of eighteen hundred and thirty-three, chapter two hun-
dred and fifty-six, with reference to the president and
directors, shall be construed to apply with full force to
the president and trustees authorised by this act.
SEC. 2, And bt it enacted, That it shall and may be
May increase the
lawful for the president and trustees, with the consent
of the stockholders holding a majority of shares, at a
general meeting of stockholders to be called for the
purpose, of which meeting at least thirty days notice
shall be given, in at least two newspapers, of the city
of Baltimore, to increase their capital to the amount of
fifty dollars per share, in such instalments, and at such
times as the said president and trustees may deem pro-
per; Provided, that such increase, if made, shall be in-
vested in the manner provided for the investment of the
trust funds of said company; and that in all cases
where money shall be loaned by the said company on
bond or mortgage, or other security in any State,
other than the State of Maryland; it shall be lawful
for the said company to receive such rate of interest
upon such loans as is permitted to be received by the
laws of such State and no more.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That so much of the act
Repealing: clause
of Assembly, to which this is a supplement, and the
supplement thereto as is inconsistent herewith, be and
the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That on the first Mon-
Annual tax paya-
day of January next, and on the same day annually
ble to the school fund
thereafter, the American Life and trust Company, or
the president and trustees thereof, shall pay or cause to
be paid to the Treasurer of the Western Shore, the sum
of twenty cents on every hundred dollars of the pres-