CHAP 240
ances of the Mayor and city Council of Baltimore, as
other public streets in said city.
Grade and price
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That when Madison
street, shall have been opened as aforesaid, within the
said limits, the city commissioners upon application
and subject to the rules and proceedings as directed and
practised in case of paving and grading streets in the
city of Baltimore, shall grade and pave Madison street
as so opened.
Ratification re-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall not
go into operation until approved by the Mayor and
eity Council cf Baltimore, after notice of the applica-
tion for such approval, shall have been given by publi-
cation at least three times a week tor one week, in all
the daily newspapers in the city of Baltimore.
Passd Feb.39, 1836
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, an act to
Incorporate the American Life Insurance and Trust
Elect president
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
and 23 trustees
Maryland, That at the next annual meeting of the
stockholders of the American Life Insurance and Trust
Company, which shall take place after the passage of
this act, it shall be lawful for the said stockholders to
elect in the manner prescribed by the act of incorpo-
ration of said company, and the supplements thereto, a
president and twenty-three persons as trustees, instead
of a president and eleven persons as trustees, as now au-
During good be-haviour
thorised by said act and supplement: and the president
and trustees so elected shall hold their offices during
good behaviour, and in case of vacancies occurring at
any time, by the death, resignation or otherwise, of
the president or any of the trustees, the same shall be
filled by election by the stockholders, at a meeting to
be called by the trustees for that purpose, upon at least
ten day's notice, and under the regulations provided as
to elections, by the act to which this is a supplement;
Powers removal
Provided, however, that any president or trustee may
at any time for cause satisfactory to the Chancellor