Sue. 2. And be it enacted, That from apd after the
CHAP. 225.
passage of this act, it shall be the duty of any justice
of the peace, when he shall take a supersedeas, to read
out the form to the party and his securieties, and shall
enter on his docket, and endorse on said judgment the
Endorsement— en-
following wards, or words to the same effect; Supersed-
tries on docket,
ed by. A. B. and C. D. as the case may be, this
day of , for months; the form be-
ing first read to the party and his securities, which
said entry or endorsement, the said justice of the peace
signing his name thereto, shall have the same force and
effect as if the same had been written out at length and
signed by the justice.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all acts inconsistent
Repealing clause
with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed;
and in all cases of judgments rendered by justices of
Directions for ma-
the peace, in the city of Baltimore, and by judgments
king entries of securities in
of Baltimore county court, shall be signed by the said
Baltimore, &c
securities, in presence of said justices, or where any
securities shall be incapable of writing, their marks in
lieu of signatures shall be affixed, and shall be witnes-
sed by some persons knowing the securities aforesaid,
to be the persons they represent themselves, of which
knowledge the said justices shall be satisfied, and shall
so state on said entry.
An act to change the divisional lines between the Elec-
Passed Mar. 25,1836
tion Districts, numbers one and six, in Washington
WHEREAS, it is represented to this Genefal Assem-
bly, that it would greatly promote the convenience of
the people, if the lines between the election districts,
numbers one and six, in Washington county, were
changed, so as to authorise the people to vote in said
districts, in the same manner as they did before the
passage of the act of December session, eighteen hun-
dred , and thirty-two, chapter ninety -two, and the act
confirming the same, passed at December session, eigh-