and herein appointed or a majority of them, who upon
CHAP. 224.
Viewing and examining the said road and finding the
same finished and complcated agreeably to the provi-
sions, true intent and meaning of this act, shall give
a certificate thereof to be returned to the clerk of Ce-
cil county court, to be there recorded, and shall for-
ever thereafter be deemed and taken as a public high-
way, and kept in repair in the same manner as other
public roads are in the said county.
Levy directed
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the county com-
missioners are hereby authorised and empowered to
levy such sum or sums of money, to and for the use of
the said contractor or contractors in such instalments
and payable in such manner as they shall or may di-
rect for the purposes aforesaid, and levy to and for the
use of each of the said commissioners the sum of two
dollars for each and every day that they may be cm-
ployed on such commission.
Passed Mar. 27,1836
An act supplemental to an act, entitled, an act to make
valid the acts of Justices of the Peace, relating to
supersedeas, passed December session, eighteen hun-
dred and twenty -five, chapter two hundred and
WHEREAS, doubts exist as to the true construction
and meaning of the act to which this is a supplement,
Entries of super-sedeas
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in all cases where judgments have
been rendered, before justices of the peace, and super-
seded, and entry of such supersedeas being made in
their dockets or on said judgments, in words to this
effect; Superseded by A. B. and C. D. as the case may
be, this day of , for months,
Made valid
the same shall be as valid and effectual, in law, as if
the said supersedeas had been written out at length,
and signed by the justice before whom the same was
taken; provided, the same had first been read to him,
her or them, superseding the same.